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The field of Oracle is growing rapidly and you need the Oracle 1z1-819 certification to advance your career in it. But clearing the Java SE 11 Developer (1z1-819) test is not an easy task. Applicants often don't have enough time to study for the 1z1-819 Exam. They are in desperate need of real 1z1-819 exam questions which can help them prepare for the Java SE 11 Developer (1z1-819) test successfully in a short time.

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1z1-819 Test Centres - 1z1-819 Reliable Exam Bootcamp

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Oracle 1z1-819 exam is a comprehensive exam that covers a wide range of topics related to Java development. It is designed for developers who have a good understanding of Java programming and want to demonstrate their expertise in the latest version of Java SE. 1z1-819 exam is designed to test the candidate's ability to write code that is efficient, reliable, and scalable. It also tests the candidate's knowledge of best practices for Java development, including design patterns, code quality, and testing.

The Oracle 1z1-819 Exam is intended for developers who have a strong foundation in Java programming and have experience with Java SE 11. It is suitable for developers who want to demonstrate their ability to build applications in Java, including desktop, web, and mobile applications.

Oracle Java SE 11 Developer Sample Questions (Q193-Q198):


Which three classes successfully override printOne()? (Choose three.)

  • A. Option C
  • B. Option D
  • C. Option F
  • D. Option A
  • E. Option B
  • F. Option E

Answer: A,B,D


Which two are secure serialization of these objects? (Choose two.)

  • A. Implement only writeReplace to replace the instance with a serial proxy and not readResolve.
  • B. Declare fields transient.
  • C. Implement only readResolve to replace the instance with a serial proxy and not writeReplace.
  • D. Make the class abstract.
  • E. Define the serialPersistentFields array field.

Answer: C,E


It is required that if p instanceof Pair then p.isValid() returns true.
Which is the smallest set of visibility changes to insure this requirement is met?

  • A. left and right must be private.
  • B. isValid must be public.
  • C. setLeft and setRight must be protected.
  • D. left, right, setLeft, and setRight must be private.

Answer: A


  • A. The compilation fails.
  • B. Abd
  • C. Abcd
  • D. adf
  • E. Abdf

Answer: C


Which code, when inserted at one or more marked positions, would allow classes B and C to compile?

  • A. @Override // position 3void x () {} // position 3@Override // position 3public void z() { } // position 3
  • B. @Override // position 2public void z() { } // position 3
  • C. implements A // position 1@Override // position 2
  • D. public void z() { } // position 3

Answer: B


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